Works in Western Translation

Densha no mado ・ 電車の窓

First published in Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia), January 1917. See also Ōgai zenshū 6: 113–22.

“Das Straßenbahnfenster”. Transl. by Wolfgang Schamoni – in: “Das Straßenbahnfenster”. Aus dem Japanischen von Wolfgang Schamoni, Hefte für ostasiatische Literatur 21 (1996): 81–87.

“A Streetcar Window”. Transl. by Christopher Michael Rich – in: Plum Beyond the Crossing: Desire, Rebellion and Belief in the Fiction of Mori Ōgai (1862–1922), Ph.D. thesis, Yale University, 1998. Unpublished typescript: 235–43.