International Ōgai Studies

Hopper, Helen M.
The Conflict Between Japanese Tradition and Western Learning in the Meiji Intellectual Mori Ōgai (1862–1922), Ph.D. thesis, Washington University 1976. Unpublished typescript. 299p.

A Lifetime Search for Harmony and Balance, 1–23.
Ōgai in Germany, 1884–1888, 24–77.
Ōgai’s Combative Years, 78–135.
Ōgai’s Withdrawal and Philosophical Search, 136–69.
Ōgai Reacts to Government Oppression of Intellectuals, 170–218.
Ōgai’s Search for a Balance Between Private Rights and Public Responsibilities, 219–60.
Footnotes, Bibliography, 261–99.