Internationale Ōgai-Studien

Nagashima, Yōichi
“Hans Christian Andersen Remade in Japan: Mori Ogai’s Translation of Improvisatoren”, in: Johan de Mylius et al. (eds.): Hans Christian Andersen: A Poet in Time. Papers from the Second International Hans Christian Andersen Conference 29 July to 2 August 1996, The Hans Christian Andersen Center, Odense: Odense University Press 1999: 397–406.

The Original Novel, 398–400.
Autobiography and First Person Novel, 400.
First Person Narrator and Gabun-Style, 400–401.
The Romantic Bildungsroman, 402–3.
The Manipulated Vainglory, 403.
Omissions and Eliminations, 403–4.
Instead of a Conclusion, 404–5.
Notes, 405–6.