Internationale Ōgai-Studien

Kōsaka Masaaki (ed.)
“Natsume Sōseki, Mori Ōgai, and Naturalism”, Japanese Thought in the Meiji Era. Translated and Adapted by David Abosch, Tokyo: Pan-Pacific Press 1958 (Centenary Culture Council Series: Japanese Culture in the Meiji Era 9: Thought): 392–470.

1. The Significance of Naturalism, 392–97.
2. The Character of Naturalism, 397–430.
3. Natsume Sōseki (1867-1916), 430–55.
4. Mori Ōgai (1862-1922), 455–70.
    A. Ōgai’s Attitude toward Naturalism, 457–60.
    B. The Individual and the State, 460–70.