Chronologie der Veröffentlichungen

Furor scribendi, 1888-94



  • “Bettenkōferu shi no shokan” 別天過俠氏の書簡 (On a letter by [Max von] Pettenkofer), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 558 (1888).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎 → Ōgai zenshū 28: 76–77
  • “Densenbyō bunrui zu” 伝染病分類図 (Classification chart of contagious diseases), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 561 (1888).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 126–28
  • “Doresuden ni fushōsha unpan enshū o miru no ki” 徳停府ニ負傷者運搬演習(Krankenträger-Übung)ヲ観ルノ記 (An account of observing the training manoeuvres in Dresden for the evacuation of battle wounded), Rikugun Gun’i Gakkai zasshi 陸軍軍医学会雑誌 (The Journal of the Army Military Medicine Association) 24 (1888).
    ⊂ Rikugun Ittō Gun’i Mori Rintarō 陸軍一等軍醫 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 3–9
  • “Gun’i gaku shincho no yōryō” 軍医学新著の要領 (Essentials of some new publications on military medicine), Rikugun Gun’i Gakkai zasshi 陸軍軍医学会雑誌 (The Journal of the Army Military Medicine Association) 24 (1888).
    ⊂ Rikugun Ittō Gun’i Mori Rintarō 陸軍一等軍醫 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 22–35
  • Hi Nihon shoku ron wa masa ni sono konkyo o ushinawan to su 非日本食論ハ将ニ其根拠ヲ失ハントス (The arguments against Japanese food will soon lose their foundation), Kissei Dō 橘井堂 1888.
     Mori Rintarō 森林太郎   Ōgai zenshū 28: 78–89  National Diet Library Digital Collections 
  • “Makkenjī no kaitō o yomu” マツケンジーノ解嘲ヲ読ム (Reading [Sir Morell] Mackenzie’s justifications), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 559 (1888). [The renowned British laryngologist had diagnosed German Emperor Frederick III’s illness (laryngeal cancer) as a benign tumor.]
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 103–5
  • “Nihon kaoku setsu jishō” 日本家屋説自抄 (Excerpts of my text ‘Explanations on Japanese residential homes’), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 5 and 6 December 1888.
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 42–48
  • “Rikugun Gun’i Gakkai zasshi kōseisha fuki” 陸軍軍医学会雑誌校正者附記 (Errata and addenda to [various issues of] The Journal of the Army Military Medicine Association), Rikugun Gun’i Gakkai zasshi 陸軍軍医学会雑誌 (The Journal of the Army Military Medicine Association), 25–27 (December 1888 – April 1889).
    ⊂ Rikugun Ittō Gun’i Mori Rintarō 陸軍一等軍醫 森林太郎 [authored or recorded by him] → Ōgai zenshū 28: 111–15
  • “Shōdoku no jikkō” 消毒ノ実行 (The practice of disinfection), Rikugun Gun’i Gakkai zasshi 陸軍軍医学会雑誌 (The Journal of the Army Military Medicine Association), 25–26 (December 1888 – January 1889).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 116–25
  • “Shōrai no danshitsuro” 将来の煖室炉 (Future space heaters), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 560–61 (1888).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 106–9
  • “Taimu nikki” 隊務日記 (Diary of my military service), Rikugun Gun’i Gakkai zasshi furoku 陸軍軍医学会雑誌附録 (Supplement to The Journal of the Army Military Medicine Association) 24 (1888).
    ⊂ Rikugun Ittō Gun’i Mori Rintarō 陸軍一等軍醫 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 35: 193–218



  • “Baierun Ōkoku Rikugun Eiseibu sho sōchi no ryakki” 拝焉王国陸軍衛生部諸装置ノ略記 (A brief account of various devices used in the Hygiene Department of the Bavarian Army), Rikugun Gun’i Gakkai zasshi 陸軍軍医学会雑誌 (The Journal of the Army Military Medicine Association) 26–27 (January 1889 – April 1889).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 175–84
  • “Emiru dyu Boa Rēmon no den” エミル・ドユ・ボア・レーモンノ伝 (A biography of Emil [Heinrich] du Bois-Reymond), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 562–82 (January 1889 – May 1889). [Translation of text(s) on “Emil [Heinrich] du Bois-Reymond” by Adolph Kohut].
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 151–66
  • “Ethnographisch-hygienische Studie über Wohnhäuser der Japaner”, Von West nach Ost. Eine Zeitschrift zur Beförderung der Pflege der deutschen Sprache in Japan 1 (January 1889): 5–7; 2 (February 1889): 15–17; 3 (March 1889): 33–36. [the serial publication continued in the following issues which are not extant]
    ⊂ Dr. Rintaro Mori  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 471–90  Wellcome Library (digital copy of republication)
  • “Hairō yobōhō no ichian” 肺労予防法之一案 (Proposing a method for preventing pulmonary tuberculosis), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 562 (1889).
    ⊂ Kenbi Sai Shujin 顕微斎主人  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 148–50
  • “Keikudoku Shusetsu In o hiraku no ki” 瘈狗毒種接院ヲ開クノ記 (On the inauguration of the Anti-Rabies Inoculation Institute [in Paris, i.e. Institut Pasteur, 14 November 1888]), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 563 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 167–68
  • “Koike gakushi no Chūgai Iji Shinpō sha’in ni atauru sho o yomu” 小池学士ノ中外医事新報社員二与フル書ヲ読ム (Reading the letter by Koike [Masanao] to the employees of the National and International Medical News Company), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 565 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 171–74
  • “Nihon igaku no mirai o toku” 日本医学の未来を説く (On the future of Japanese medical science), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 564 (1889).
    ⊂ Kenbi Sai Shujin 顕微斎主人  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 169–70
  • “Shiku kaisei wa hatashite eisei jō no mondai ni arazaru ka” 市区改正ハ果シテ衛生上ノ問題ニ非サルカ (Isn’t city improvement in actual fact a public health issue?), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 562 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 129–44
  • “Shirabe wa takashi gitarura no hitofushi” 音調高洋箏一曲 (A noble guitar melody), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 3 January – 14 February 1889. [Translation of El alcalde de Zalamea (The Mayor of Zalamea) by Don Pedro Calderón de la Barca; published in collaboration with Miki Takeji, i.e. Mori Tokujirō].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 1–92
  • “Shōsetsu ron” 小説論 (On the novel), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 3 January 1889, supplement: 1. [In 1896 republished as “Igaku no setsu ni idetaru shōsetsu ron” 医学の説より出でたる小説論 (An approach to fictional writing based on medical science) in Tsukigusa.]
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫博士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 38: 451–52
  • “Suntetsu gakushi” 寸鉄学士 (The astute scholar [Kitasato Shibasaburō]), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 562 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 145–47


  • “Bettenkōferu shi no nanajū tanshin” ベツテンコーフエル師ノ七十誕辰 (Prof. [Max von] Pettenkofer’s 70th birthday), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 568 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 204–6
  • “Gunjin ryūkōbyō oyobi sono ta no densenbyō o kōgeki suru no hōsaku” 軍陣流行病及ビ其他ノ伝染病ヲ攻撃スルノ方策 (Measures to fight epidemics and other infectious diseases in military camps), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 567–576 (February 1888 – April 1889). [Partial translation of speeches and presentations by Robert Koch].
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 189–203
  • “Igaku tōkei ron no daigen” 医学統計論ノ題言 (A preface to the “Medical Statistics” debate), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 569 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 217–21
  • “Itsuonkei” 逸温計 (The thermopheugoskop [A device used to measure skin heat dissipation] by F. Arnheim), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 566 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 185
  • “Mizugasu no gai ni tsuite” 水瓦斯ノ害ニ就テ (On the potential harm of water gas = translation of an article in Gesundheitsingenieur 23, 1888), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 568 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 216
  • “Ryokuyō no nageki” 緑葉の歎 (Mourning over [the wreath of] green leaves [symbolizing chastity]), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 22 February 1889, supplement: 1. [Translation of Kadour et Katel (Kadour and Katel) by Alphonse Daudet; published in collaboration with Miki Takeji, i.e. Mori Tokujirō].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 93–100
  • “Sanka ran’yō” 産科攬要 (Review of ‘Compendium of obstetrics’ [Compendium der Geburtshilfe] by Julius Hermann Haake, transl. by Shimodaira Yōsai), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 566 (1889).
    ⊂ Kenbi Sai Shujin 顕微斎主人  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 186–87
  • “Senzai no ichigū” 千載ノ一遇 (A unique opportunity [On Japan’s medical science and the role and duties of the ‘New Tokyo Medical Journal’]), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 567 (1889).
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 188


  • “Baishō no rigai” 売笑の利害 (Arguments for and against prostitution [referring to W. O. Focke]), Eisei shinshi 衛生新誌 (New Hygiene Journal) 1 (1889).
    ⊂ Kenbi Sai Shujin 顕微斎主人  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 15–18
  • “Dokudoku hi Nihon shoku ron wa masa ni sono konkyo o ushinawan to su” 読々非日本食論将失其根拠論 (Re-reading: The argument against Japanese food will soon lose its foundation), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 574 (1889).
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 90–91
  • “Eisei shinshi no majime” 衛生新誌の真面目 (The true intention of the 'New Hygiene Journal'), Eisei shinshi 衛生新誌 (New Hygiene Journal) 1 (1889): 1–6.
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 1–6
  • “Fukunyū no chūi” 服乳の注意 ([Hygienic] precautions when drinking milk), Eisei shinshi 衛生新誌 (New Hygiene Journal) 1 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 7–14
  • “Kohho shi Indo kikō shō” コツホ師印度紀行抄 (Excerpts from Koch’s India travelogue), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 570–603 (March 1889 – October 1889) / Iji shinron 医事新論 (New Medicine) 1–7 (December 1889 – July 1890).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎 (parts published in Tōkyō iji shinshi 570–603 (except 591) / Mori Rintarō 森林太郎 (parts Tōkyō iji shinshi 591 and in Iji shinron  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 279–303
  • “Pettenkōferu no itsuji” ペツテンコーフエルノ逸事 (Anecdotes of [Max von] Pettenkofer), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 570–572 (March 1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 207–15
  • Rikugun eisei kyōtei 陸軍衛生教程 (Army manual of hygiene), Rikugun Gun’i Gakkō 陸軍軍医学校 1889.
    ⊂ Rikugun Ittō Gun’i Igakushi Mori Rintarō 陸軍一等軍醫 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 305–75  National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • “Rūsō ga shōji no yamai o shin su” ルーソーガ少時ノ病ヲ診ス (Examining [Jean-Jacques] Rousseau’s childhood disease), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 574–575 (March 1889 – April 1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 20–26
  • “Sensō” 戦僧 (Military chaplain), Shōnen en 少年園 (Boy’s Garden) 1.10 (1889): 13–17. [Translation of Le Cabecilla by Alphonse Daudet from a German version titled “Der Feldprediger”].
    ⊂ Ōgai Mori Rintarō 鷗外森林太郎  → See Ōgai zenshū 1: 157–63
  • “Shingaku shinron” 鍼学新論 (New perspectives on acupuncture), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 570 (1889).
    ⊂ Kenbi Sai Shujin 顕微斎主人  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 276–77
  • “Tama o idaite tsumi ari” 玉を懐いて罪あり (Opportunity makes the thief), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 5 March – 21 July 1889. [Translation of Das Fräulein von Scuderi (Mademoiselle de Scuderi) by E.T.A. Hoffmann; published in collaboration with Miki Takeji, i.e. Mori Tokujirō].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史   → Ōgai zenshū 1: 101–55
  • “Tetsu no shin teiryōhō” 鉄ノ新定量法 (A new method to determine the quantity of ferrum), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 571 (1889) [Translation and summary of an article published in Archiv für Hygiene 8.4, 1888].
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  →  Ōgai zenshū 28: 278
  • “Tōkei ni tsuite” 統計ニ就テ (On statistics), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 573 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  →  Ōgai zenshū 28: 222–26
  • “Über eine neue Richtung der japanischen Literatur”, Von West nach Ost. Eine Zeitschrift zur Beförderung der Pflege der deutschen Sprache in Japan 1.3 (30 March 1889): 23–25.
    ⊂ Dr. Rintaro Mori → not in Ōgai zenshū  Japanstudien (DIJ Tokyo)


  • “Shin sekai no Urashima” 新世界の浦島 (Urashima of the new world), Shōnen en 少年園 (Boy’s Garden) 2.13–2.20 (May 1889 – August 1889). [Translation of Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 165–86
  • “‘Bungaku to shizen’ o yomu” 「文学ト自然」ヲ読ム (On Reading “Literature and Nature”), Kokumin no tomo 国民之友 (The Nation’s Friend) 50 (1889): 18–22. [Reply to an article by Iwamoto Yoshiharu]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 38: 458–63
  • “Kutsu? Geta?” 靴?屐? (Shoes? Geta?), Eisei shinshi 衛生新誌 (New Hygiene Journal) 5 (1889): 1–12.
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 141–53


  • “Tōkei ni tsuite no bunso” 統計ニ就テノ分疏 (A vindication of statistics), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 584 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 28: 227–42


  • “Daigaku no jiyū o ron zu” 大学ノ自由ヲ論ズ (On academic freedom), Kokumin no tomo 国民之友 (The Nation’s Friend) 57 (1889): 16–22.
    ⊂ Dairoku Gakunin 臺麓學人  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 19–22
  • “Shori no setsu” 書痢ノ説 (On textual diarrhea), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 591 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 203–5


  • “Omokage” 於母影 (Shadow images), Kokumin no tomo 国民之友附録 (Supplement to The Nation’s Friend) 58 (1889).
    ⊂ S.S.S. [pen-name of the “Society of New Voices” 新声社 (Shin Sei Sha) that centered upon Mori]  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 1–66


  • “Über das Duellwesen in Japan”, Von West nach Ost. Eine Zeitschrift zur Beförderung der Pflege der deutschen Sprache in Japan 1.9 (30 September 1889).
    ⊂ Dr. Rintaro Mori [Signature suggested by other publications of Mori in this journal] → Ōgai zenshū 26: 592–95 Wellcome Library (digital copy of republication)
  • “Über die Giftigkeit und die Entgiftung des Samen von Agrostemma Githago (Konrade)”, Archiv für Hygiene 9 (1889): 257–70. [Published in collaboration with K. B. Lehmann].
    ⊂ Dr. R. Mori → Ōgai zenshū 28: 453–64  Wellcome Library (digital copy of republication: Ueber die Giftigkeit und die Entgiftung der Samen von Agrostemma Githago, Kornrade)
  • “Seijin no kyoji, ware o futei su” 西人ノ虚辞、我ヲ誣詆ス (The untrue assertions of the Western Europeans degrade us), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 599 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 23–26
  • “Nihon Igakkai ron” 日本医学会論 (On the Japanese Medical Society), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal) 600 (1889).
    ⊂ Igakushi Mori Rintarō 醫學士 森林太郎   → Ōgai zenshū 29: 247–61


  • “Engeki kairyō ronja no henken ni odoroku” 演劇改良論者の偏見に驚く (Surprised by the prejudice of theater reformers), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 1 (1889): 4–8.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 30–34 / Later republished in Tsukikusa 月草 (1896) National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • “Kōzui” 洪水 (Deluge), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 1–6 (October 1889 – March 1890). [Translation of High Water Mark by Bret Harte].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 187–98
  • “Oribara” 折薔薇 (The Broken rose), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 1–33 (October 1889 – June 1892). [Translation of Emilia Galotti by G. Ephraim Lessing; published in collaboration with Miki Takeji, i.e. Mori Tokujirō].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 199–315


  • “Onna kabuki Misao no Hitosashi” 女歌舞伎操一舞 (A [play for] women’s kabuki: Dance of Faithfullness), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 5 November 1889, morning edition: 2. [fragment]
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi, Miki Takeji dōkō 鷗外漁史・三木竹二 同稿 [i.e. published with his younger brother Mori Tokujirō] → Ōgai zenshū 1: 317–22
  • “Suitchuru kan ni uta o kiku” 瑞西館に歌を聴く (Listening to a song in a Swiss inn), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 6 November – 29 November 1889. [Translation of Luzern [Lucerne] by Leo Tolstoy].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 323–60
  • “Denki Tōnī” 伝奇トーニー (The adventures of Toni), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 25 November – 3 December 1889. [Translation of Toni - Ein Drama in drei Aufzügen (Toni) by Carl Theodor Körner; published in collaboration with Miki Takeji, i.e. Mori Tokujirō].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 361–78
  • “Gendai shoka no shōsetsuron o yomu” 現代諸家の小説論を読む (On reading theories of the novel by various contemporary authors [such as Paul Heyse]), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 2 (1889): 4–22.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎 → Ōgai zenshū 22: 65–82 / Later republished as “Ima no shoka no shōsetsuron o yomite” 今の諸家の小説論を読みて (On reading theories of the novel by various authors of the day) in Tsukikusa 月草 (1896) National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Aete tenka no ishi ni tsugu” 敢て天下の医士に告ぐ (A message to all doctors!), Iji shinron 医事新論 (New Medicine) 1 (1889): 1–3.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 333–36
  • “Futatabi geki o ronjite yo no hyōka ni kotau” 再び劇を論じて世の評家に答ふ (Another contribution to [the discussion of] theater [reform] in reply to various critics), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 3 (1889): 13–29. [see also October, 1889]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 35–53



  • “Futayo” ふた夜 (Two nights), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 1 January – 26 February 1890. [Translation of Zwei Nächte (Two nights) by Friedrich Wilhelm Hackländer].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 379–421
  • “Maihime” 舞姫 (The dancing girl), Kokumin no tomo furoku 国民之友附録 (Supplement to The Nation’s Friend) 6.69 (1890): 1–17.
    ⊂ Ōgai Mori Rintarō 鷗外森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 423–47
  • “Baka na otoko” 馬鹿な男 (A foolish man), Nihon no bunka 日本之文華 (Belles-lettres in Japan) 1.2 (1890). [Translation of The Fool by Ivan Turgenev].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 449–52
  • S.S.S.: “Meiji nijūninen no hihyōka no shigan” 明治二十二年批評家の詩眼 (On the evaluation of poetry by critics in the year Meiji 22, i.e. 1887), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 4 (1890): 1–27.
    ⊂ S.S.S. (Shin Sei Sha)  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 89–102 (「今の批評家の詩眼」)
  • “Kōshōhai go no saku ikan” 公娼廃後の策奈何 (On the best policy after public prostitution has been abolished), Eisei shinshi 衛生新誌 (New Hygiene Journal) 12–13 (January 1890).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 350–73


  • “Engeki jōri no shijin” 演劇場裏の詩人 (The poet behind the stage), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 5 (1890): 1–19.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 104–19


  • “Jishin” 地震 (Earthquake), Kokumin shinbun 国民新聞 (The nation’s newspaper), 17 March – 26 March 1890. [Translation of Das Erdbeben in Chili (The Earthquake in Chile) by Heinrich von Kleist].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 453–72


  • “Akuinnen” 悪因縁 (Evil karma), Kokumin no tomo 国民之友 (The Nation’s Friend) 6.80–7.89 (April 1890 – July 1890). [Translation of Die Verlobung in St. Domingo (Betrothal in St. Domingo) by Heinrich von Kleist].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史 → Ōgai zenshū 1: 473–511
  • “Kidori Hannojō ni atauru sho” 気取半之丞に与ふる書 (A letter addressed to Kidori Hannojō, i.e. Ishibashi Ningetsu), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 7 (1890): 20–27.
    ⊂ Aizawa Kenkichi 相澤謙吉  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 158–72
  • “Umoregi” 埋れ木 (Fossil wood), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 7–31 (April 1890 – April 1892). [Translation of Die Geschichte eines Genies: Die Galbrizzi (The story of a genius) by Ossip Schubin, i.e. Aloisia Kirschner].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 513–607


  • “Toyama Shōichi shi no garon o baku su” 外山正一氏の画論を駁す (Refuting the art theories of Mr. Toyama Shōichi), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 8 (1890): 14–50.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 175–207


  • “Rōma” 羅馬 (Rome), Tōkyō chū shinbun 東京中新聞, 1 June 1890. [Partial translation of Prizraki (Phantoms) by Ivan Turgenev].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史 → See Ōgai zenshū 1: 609–14
  • “Okusei shingi” 屋制新議 (Current discussion of a building ordinance), Eisei shinshi 衛生新誌 (New Hygiene Journal) 22 (1890): 1–8.
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 440–48
  • “Kaishin roku” 会心録 (Satisfaction record), Eisei shinshi 衛生新誌 (New Hygiene Journal) 23–28 (September 1890).
    ⊂ Konju Koji 紺珠居士  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 468–83
  • “Shōzō ni soete Kokumin Shinbun Sha ni yo suru sho” 肖像に添へて国民新聞社に寄する書 (A letter with [my] portrait sent to the People’s Newspaper Company), Kokumin shinbun 国民新聞, 23 June 1890.
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  →  Ōgai zenshū 22: 231–34
  • “Sohō sensei ni kotauru sho” 蘇峰先生に答ふる書 (A letter in reply to Master [Tokutomi] Sohō), Kokumin shinbun 国民新聞, 24 June 1890.
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  →  Ōgai zenshū 22: 235–36


  • “Kōshū eisei ryakusetsu” 公衆衛生略説 (An outline of public health), Eisei shinshi 衛生新誌 (New Hygiene Journal) 25 (1890): 14–18.
    ⊂ Kenbi Sai Shujin 顕微斎主人  → Ōgai zenshū 29: 514–28


  • “Michi no ki” みちの記 (Travelogue), Tōkyō shinpō 東京新報, 22 August 1890.
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 243–50
  • “Ukiyo no nami” うきよの波 (Waves of the floating world), Kokumin no tomo 国民之友 (The People’s Friend) 7.92–7.99 (August 1890 – November 1890) . [Translation of Die Flut des Lebens (Flood of life) by Adolf Stern].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 1: 615–37
  • “Utakata no ki” うたかたの記 (A Record of Foam on the Waves), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 11 (1890): 1–16.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 2: 1–25


  • “Daijukkai Kokusai I Gakkai” 第十回国際医学会 (The X. International Medical Congress [in Berlin]), Eisei ryōbyōshi 衛生療病志 (Journal of Hygiene and Therapy) 11–14 (October 1890 – February 1891).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 30: 1–24


  • “Ningetsu yūgen o ronzuru ni kotauru sho” 答忍月論幽玄書 (A letter in reply to [Ishibashi] Ningetsu’s essay on yūgen, i.e. profundity), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 14 (1890): 4–12.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 286–95


  • “Ningetsu ga futatabi ware ni kotauru sho o mite” 忍月が再び我に答ふる書を見て (Taking a look at [Ishibashi] Ningetsu’s reaction to my reply), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 15 (1890): 34–37.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 295–99



  • “Fumizukai” 文づかひ (The Courier), in: Shincho hyakushu 新著百種 (Anthology of new literary works), vol. 12, Yoshioka Shosekiten 吉岡書籍店 1891.
     ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 2: 27–47  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Ningetsu koji ni atau” 忍月居士に与ふ (To Ningetsu [On ‘The Courier’]), Kokumin shinbun 国民新聞, 16 February 1891.
     ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 310–11


  • “Ōjūshō” 黄緩章 (The medal with a yellow ribbon), Tōkyō Nichinichi shinbun 東京日日新聞, 8 March – 14 March 1891. [Translation of “In eine Dachkammer wird eine Schlafgängerin gesucht und daselbst ist eine Kinderbettlade zu verkaufen (in: Geschichten einer Wetterfahne, 1856) by Friedrich Wilhelm Hackländer].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 2: 49–62
  • “Zangeki” 懺悔記 (The Confessions), Rikken jiyū shinbun 立憲自由新聞, 18 March – 1 May 1891. [Partial translation of Les Confessions (The Confessions) by Jean-Jacques Rousseau].
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 2: 63–115
  • “Rōdokuhō ni tsukite no arasoi” 朗読法につきての争 (A dispute over methods of recital), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 18 (1891): 1–7.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 351–58


  • “Mikuzu” みくづ (Rubbish in the water), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 21 (1891): 28–31. [Translation of Un teneur de livres (A Book-keeper) by Alphonse Daudet from a German version titled “Aus der Kanzlei des Todes”].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 2: 117–23
  • “Resshingu ga koto o shirusu” レツシングが事を記す (Notes on Lessing), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 21–24 (June – September 1891).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 22: 371–86


  • “Okushiki ryakusetsu” 屋式略説 (An outline of building style), Eisei ryōbyōshi 衛生療病志 (Journal of Hygiene and Therapy) 19 (1891): 17–20.
    ⊂ Kenbi Sai Shujin 顕微斎主人  → See Ōgai zenshū 29: 449–53


  • “Mori Rintarō shi rireki no gairyaku” 森林太郎氏履歴の概略 (A résumé of Mori Rintarō’s life), Tōkyō iji shinshi 東京医事新誌 (New Tokyo Medical Journal), 710 (1891).
    ⊂ Sakai Tametsugu 坂井為次  → Ōgai zenshū 30: 194–98
  • “Sanbō ronbun ‘Shōyō Shi no shinsaku jūni ban chū sude ni hatsu yon ban gōhyō…’” 山房論文「逍遥子の新作十二番中既発四番合評・・・」 (Essays from a mountain villa: ‘A joint review of [already published] four out of twelve new works by Shōyō Shi’), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 24 (1891): 1–28.
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 23: 3–16


  • “Sanbō ronbun ‘Bimyō Sai shujin ga inbun ron’” 山房論文「美妙斎主人が韻文論」 (Essays from a mountain villa: ‘Bimyō Sai Shujin’s [Yamada Bimyō] discussion of poetry’), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 25 (1891): 1–19.
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 23: 90–105


  • “Sanbō ronbun ‘Waseda bungaku no botsurisō’” 山房論文「早稲田文学の没理想」 (Essays from a mountain villa: ‘The Submerged Ideals of [the journal] Waseda literature’), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 27 (1891): 1–9.
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 23: 17–24



  • “Sanbō ronbun ‘Emile Zola ga botsurisō’” 山房論文「エミル、ゾラが没理想」 (Essays from a mountain villa: ‘Émile Zola’s submerged ideals’), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 28 (1892): 21–24.
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 23: 84–87


  • “Sanbō ronbun ‘Shiken koji ga mimi no shibai me no shibai’” 山房論文「思軒居士が耳の芝居目の芝居」 (Essays from a mountain villa: ‘[Morita] Shiken’s theater of the ears and theater of the eyes’), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 29 (1892): 3–21.
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 23: 162–78


  • “Sanbō ronbun ‘Waseda bungaku no bokkyaku risō’” 山房論文「早稲田文学の没却理想」 (Essays from a mountain villa: ‘The effaced ideals of [the journal] Waseda literature’), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 30 (1892): 1–9.
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 23: 25–32


  • “Sanbō ronbun ‘Waseda bungaku no kō botsurisō’” 山房論文「早稲田文学の後没理想」 (Essays from a mountain villa: ‘The overcome ideals of [the journal] Waseda literature’), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 33 (1892): 1–26.
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 23: 56–84


  • Minawa shū 水沫集 (Spray Water Anthology), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1892.
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  National Diet Library (digital copy of the republication of earlier literary works and translations)


  • “Jojōfu” 女丈夫 (A heroine), Kokumin no tomo 国民之友 (The People’s Friend) 163 (1892). [Translation of Charlotte Corday by Karl Frenzel].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 2: 125–50
  • “Kanchōrō gūki” 観潮楼偶記 (Rare records from the Sea View Villa), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 35, (1892): 1–6.
    Unclear → Ōgai zenshū 22: 237; 528–31 and Ōgai zenshū 23: 195–98


  • “Toriko” 俘 (The captive), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 36–46 (September 1892 – July 1893). [Translation of Philotas by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing; published in collaboration with Miki Takeji, i.e. Mori Tokujirō].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 2: 151–88


  • “Shinbiron” 審美論 (On Aesthetics), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 37–45 (October 1892 – June 1893). [Translation of Philosophie des Schönen (Philosophy of the Beautiful) by E. v. Hartmann].
    ⊂ Anonymous  → Ōgai zenshū 21: 1–57
  • “Nukeuri” ぬけうり (Smuggling), Gakushū Hojin In Kai zasshi 学習院輔仁会雑誌 (Journal of the Society of the Friends of the Peers School) 18 (1892). [Translation of the novella “Taman” from Geroy nashego vremeni (A Hero of our time) by Mikhail Lermontov].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 2: 189–207


  • “Sokkyō shijin” 即興詩人 (The Improvisatore), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 38 – 59 / Mezamashi gusa めさまし草 (The Eye-Opening Notes) 14 – 49 (November 1892 – February 1901). [Translation of The Improvisatore (Improvisatoren) by Hans Christian Andersen]
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史 (in Shigarami zōshi volume 38 to 51 and 53 to 57) / Kanchōrō Shujin 観潮楼主人 (in Shigarami zōshi 52 and 58 to 59 and most parts in Mezamashi gusa; 11 parts without signature)  → Ōgai zenshū 2: 209–596



  • “Bōkan kikan” 傍観機関 (The Functions of the spectator), Eisei ryōbyōshi 衛生療病志 (Journal of Hygiene and Therapy) 41–56 (May 1893 – August 1894).
    ⊂ Kanchōrō Shujin 観潮楼主人  →  Ōgai zenshū 30: 459–592



  • “Aru hyōgekisha ni kotauru sho” 答評劇者某書 (A letter in reply to a certain theater critic), Shigarami zōshi しがらみ草紙 (The Weir) 57 (1894): 1–6.
    ⊂ Kanchōrō Shujin 観潮楼主人  → Tsukikusa 月草 (1896, as: 答評劇者某論夢幻劇書) → Ōgai zenshū 23: 231–35