Chronologie der Veröffentlichungen

Beobachter der Moderne, 1906–12



  • “Tekishū” 敵襲 (Enemy attack), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 10.2 (1906): 14.
    ⊂ Yume Miru Hito 夢みる人  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 130–31


  • “Shizuku” 雫 (Drops), Geien 芸苑 (Garden of Art) 5 (1906).
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 420–21
  • “Geruharuto Hauputoman” ゲルハルト、ハウプトマン (Gerhart Hauptmann), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 10.5 (1906): 1–26.
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 38: 479–96


  • “Kusakabe nite” 日下部にて (In Kusakabe), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 1.3 (1906).
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 418


  • “Sara” 沙羅 (The Sala Tree), Bungeikai 文芸界 (The World of Literature and Arts) 5.9 (1906).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 417–46


  • “Ushirokage” 後影 (A retreating figure), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1906.10: 29.
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 432
  • Geruharuto Hauputoman ゲルハルト・ハウプトマン (Gerhart Hauptmann), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1906.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 51–138  National Diet Library (digital copy) 


  • “Asane” 朝寐 (Sleeping in), Kokoro no hana furoku 心の花附録 (Supplement to Blossoms of the Heart) 10.11 (1906): 1–8.
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 283–92


  • “Hi / Kamome” 火 / 鷗 (Fire / The sea-gulls), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1906.12 (1906): 1.
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 474–76



  • “Yūrakumon” 有楽門 (The Yūraku Gate), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 11.1 (1907): 1–4.
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 293–98
  • “Kariya no nagori” かりやのなごり (Remains of the battlefield), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1907.1: 115.
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 156–57


  • “Shukumeiron sha” 宿命論者 (The fatalist), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1907.2: 14–21. [Translation of “Fatalist” from A Hero of our time (Geroy nashego vremeni) by Mikhail Lermontov].
    ⊂ Nanigashi なにがし  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 299–312


  • “Kōryan no hanashi” 高粱の話 (A tale of Kaoliang), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 11.3 (1907): 25–27.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 243–45


  • “Utsuro” 空洞 (The Cave), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1907.4: 1.
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 435–37]


  • “Shisaku donguri” 試作団栗 (Trial growing of acorn), Shijin 詩人 (The Poet) 2 (1907).
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 479–80
  • Eiseigaku taii 衛生学大意 (An outline of hygiene), Hakubun Kan 博文館 1907.
    ⊂ Igaku Hakase Mori Rintarō 醫學博士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 30: 156–87  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Chokugen” 直言 (Plain talk), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1907.8: 112–13.
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 445–46
  • “Hitogata” 人形 (Puppet(s)), Shijin 詩人 (The Poet) 3 (1907).
    ⊂ Koshi Bentō 腰辨當  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 438


  • Uta nikki うた日記 (Verse Diary), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1907.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 101–340  National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • “Hikari no yoi” 光の酔 (Brilliant intoxication), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 11.9 (1907). [Translation of “Glanzrausch” (Brilliant intoxication) by Paul Scheerbart]
    ⊂ Mumeishi 無名氏  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 494–97


  • “Kyakuhon ‘Main Fyurusuto’ no yaku” 脚本「マイン、フユルスト」の訳 (Translation of the Drama “Mein Fürst”), Kabuki 歌舞伎 90 (1907). [Translation of Mein Fürst! (My lord) by Wilhelm von Scholz].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 313–39
  • “Issetsuna” 一刹那 (One instant), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1907.10: 16–18.
    ⊂ Yume Miru Hito ゆめみるひと  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 513–14


  • “‘Tanken o mochitaru onna’ no yaku” 「短剣を持ちたる女」の訳 (Translation of ‘The Lady with the Dagger’), Kabuki 歌舞伎 91–92 (November 1907 – December 1907). [Translation of Die Frau mit dem Dolche (The Lady with the Dagger) by Arthur Schnitzler].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 341–72



  • “Sokurateesu no shi” ソクラテエスの死 (The death of Socrates), Kokoro no hana furoku 心の花附録 (Supplement to Blossoms of the Heart) 12.1 (1908): 1–6. [Translation of “Sokrates Tod” (The Death of Socrates) by Timm Kröger].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 373–81
  • “Andoreasu Taamaieru ga isho” アンドレアス・タアマイエルが遺書 (Andreas Thameyers’ Last will), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1908.1: 1–6. [Translation of Andreas Thameyers letzter Brief (Andreas Thameyers’ Last Will) by Arthur Schnitzler].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 383–92
  • “Maiōgi” 舞扇 (The dancing fan), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1908.1: 43–44.
    ⊂ Yume Miru Hito ゆめみるひと  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 515–16
  • “Shuppatsu zenhan jikan” 出発前半時間 (Half an hour before departing), Kabuki 歌舞伎 93–95 (January 1908 – June 1908). [Translation of Der Kammersänger (The Court-Singer) by Frank Wedekind].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 393–451


  • “Chichi” 父 (Father), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1908.2: 30–33. [Translation of “Der Vater” (Father) by Wilhelm Schäfer.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 453–59


  • Eisei Shinpen 衛生新篇 (New compendium of Hygiene), Nankōdō Shoten 南江堂書店, Sōkyūdō Shoten 蒼虬堂書店 1908. 1032p. [Fourth edition, published in one volume and in collaboration with Koike Masanao].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎 → See Ōgai zenshū 31, 32


  • “Itsu no hi ka kimi wa kaerimasu” いつの日か君は帰ります (Someday you will return), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1908.4: 1–5. [Translation of “Der treue Johnie” (Loyal Johnny) by Anna Croissant-Rust].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 461–69


  • “Ōgonhai” 黄金杯 (A Golden Cup), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1908.5–1908.6. [Translation of “Sara Malcolm by Jacob Wassermann].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 471–96


  • Yoshihisa Shinnō jiseki 能久親王事蹟 (Historical traces of Prince Yoshihisa), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1908.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 497–620  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Okusoko” 奥底 (The inmost depth), Kabuki 歌舞伎 96–97 (July 1908 – August 1908). [Translation of Die tiefe Natur (Deep nature) by Hermann Bahr].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 1–41


  • “Shio no ne” 潮の音 (Sound of the ocean), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1908.8: 59–60.
    ⊂ Yume Miru Hito ゆめみるひと  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 517–18


  • “Hanataba” 花束 (The bouquet), Kabuki 歌舞伎 98–99 (September 1908 – October 1908). [Translation of “Margot” by Hermann Sudermann].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 43–82


  • “Bokushi” 牧師 (The Pastor), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 12.10 (1908): 1–10. [Translation of “Prästen (The Pastor) by Selma Lagerlöf].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 83–96


  • “Mosa” 猛者 (A man of valor), Kabuki 100 歌舞伎 (1908). [Translation of Der tapfere Cassian (Gallant Cassian) by Arthur Schnitzler].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 97–125
  • “Wakare” わかれ (A Parting), Myōjō 明星 (Morning Star) 1908.11: 1–7. [Translation of Ein Abschied (A Parting) by Arno Holz].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 127–39


  • “Chijin to shi to” 痴人と死と (The fool and the death), Kabuki 歌舞伎 101 (1908). [Translation of Der Tor und der Tod (Death and the Fool) by Hugo von Hofmannsthal].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 141–59
  • “Yonaka ni omotta koto” 夜なかに思つた事 (Midnight thoughts), Kōfū 光風 (Gentle Breeze) 4.2 (1908).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 298–301



  • “Kao” 顔 (The face), Kokoro no hana furoku 心の花附録 (Supplement to Blossoms of the Heart) 13.1 (1909): 1–8. [Translation of Das Gesicht (The Face) by Richard Dehmel].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 161–75
  • “Yaso Kōtansai no kaiire” 耶蘇降誕祭の買入 (Christmas Shopping), Shin tenchi 新天地 (New World) 2.1 (1909). [Translation of “Weihnachtseinkäufe (Christmas Shopping) by Arthur Schnitzler].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 177–97
  • “Purumūra” プルムウラ (Purumula), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.1 (1909): 1–27. [A play that presents the story of an Indian princess]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 345–75
  • “Sōbō mu” 僧房夢 (A dream of the monastery), Kabuki 歌舞伎 102–104 (January 1909 – March 1909). [Translation of Elga by Gerhart Hauptmann].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 377–455
  • A’iku ō jiseki 阿育王事蹟 (Records of King Asoka), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1909. [Published in collaboration with Ōmura Seigai].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 199–344  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Konton” 混沌 (Chaos), Zai Tōkyō Tsuwano Shōgakkō sōkai kaihō 在東京津和野小学校窓会会報 (Bulletin of the Association of the Tsuwano Primary School Alumni in Tokyo) 6 (1909).
    ⊂ Anonymous → Ōgai zenshū 26: 319–23
  • “Hannichi” 半日 (Half a day), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.3 (1909): 38–61.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 457–82
  • “Mukudori tsūshin” 椋鳥通信 (News of a Grey Starling), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.3–5.12 (March 1909 – December 1913).
    ⊂ Mumeishi 無名氏. Part six is signed “Mumeishi” 无名氏; part 38 was not signed. → Ōgai zenshū 27: 1–840


  • “Kamen” 仮面 (Masks), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.4 (1909): 1–32.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 483–507
  • “Nennē hatago” ねんねえ旅籠 (Bed-time hotel), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 13.4 (1909): 1–13. [Translation of Da Baby skulde paa Hotel (As the toddler should’ve gone to the hotel) by Gustav Wied from a German version].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 509–26
  • “Kiseki” 奇蹟 (The miracle), Kabuki 歌舞伎 105–106 (April 1904 – May 1909). [Translation of Le miracle de saint Antoine (The Miracle of Saint Anthony) by Maurice Maeterlinck from a German version.]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 527–74
  • “Umi no omina” 海のをみな (Woman of the sea), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 4.4 (1909).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  →Ōgai zenshū 19: 439–44


  • “Tsuina” 追儺 (Exorcising demons), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 4.5 (1909).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 585–94
  • “Waga hyakushu” 我百首 (My hundred tanka), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.5 (1909): 1–9.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 19: 447–56
  • “Ōmu’ishi” 鸚鵡石 (Echo stone), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.5 (1909): 62–74.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 328–37
  • “Konshin kai” 懇親会 (A social gathering), Bijutsu no Nihon 美術之日本 (Artistic Japan) 1 (1909).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 575–84


  • “Masui” 魔睡 (Hypnosis), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.6 (1909): 4–25.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 595–618]
  • “Dai hakken” 大発見 (Great discoveries), Kokoro no hana furoku 心の花附録 (Supplement to Blossoms of the Heart) 13.6 (1909): 1–12.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 4: 619–33
  • “Saiki” 債鬼 (Cruel Creditors), Kabuki 歌舞伎 106–109 (June 1909 – August 1909). [Translation of Fordringsägare (Creditors) by August Strindberg from a German version].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 1–81
  • Hitomaku mono 一幕物 (One-act plays), Ekifū Sha 1909. [Collected translations of European one-act plays]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎 


  • “Shurenteru no Borukuman hyō” シユレンテルのボルクマン評 (Schlenther’s critique of Borkman), Kokumin shinbun 国民新聞, 1 July – 4 July 1890.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 316–26
  • “Wita sekusuarisu” ヰタ・セクスアリス (Vita sexualis), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.7 (1909): 1–94.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 83–179
  • “Tōryū hikaku gengogaku” 当流比較言語学 (Contemporary comparative linguistics), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 4.7 (1909).
    ⊂ Igaku Hakase Mori Rintarō 醫學博士 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 338–42
  • “Jon Gaburieru Borukuman” ジヨン・ガブリエル・ボルクマン (John Gabriel Borkman), Kokumin shinbun 国民新聞, 6 July – 7 September 1909.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 181–326
  • Kenchikushi 建築師 (The master builder), Ekifū Sha 易風社 1909. [Preface to Chiba Kikukō’s Translation of Bygmester Solness (The Master Builder) by Henrik Ibsen].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 361–66  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Niwatori” 鶏 (Chickens), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.6 (1909): 10–39.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 327–59
  • “Hasegawa Tatsunosuke” 長谷川辰之助 in: Tsubouchi Shōyō 坪内逍遥 and Uchida Roan 内田魯庵 (eds.): Futabatei Shimei 二葉亭四迷, Ekifū Sha 易風社 1909.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 343–50
  • Tōkyō hōganzu 東京方眼図 (Tokyo grid map), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1909.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Kinka” 金貨 (The gold coin), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.7 (1909): 10–23.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 367–92
  • “Dangozaka” 団子坂 (Dumpling Hill), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 4.9 (1909).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 393–400
  • “Sarome” サロメ (Salomé), Kabuki 歌舞伎 110–111 (September 1909 – October 1909). [Translation of Salomé by Oscar Wilde].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 401–54
  • “Watakushi ga jūshigo sai no toki” 私が十四五歳の時 (When I was fourteen), Shōnen sekai 少年世界 (The Youth’s world) 15.12 (1909).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 326–27


  • “Kajō chahan” 家常茶飯 (Everyday life), Taiyō 太陽 (The Sun) 15.13 (1909): 97–122. [Translation of Das tägliche Leben (Everyday life) by Rainer Maria Rilke].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 455–508
  • “Gendai shisō” 現代思想 (Contemporary thought), Taiyō 太陽 (The Sun) 15.13 (1909): 122–26.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 509–17
  • “Konpira” 金毘羅 (The deity Kompira), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.10 (1909): 164–210.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 519–67
  • “Waga kimi” 我君 (My lord), Kabuki 歌舞伎 90. [Translation of Mein Fürst! (My lord) by Wilhelm von Scholz].
    ⊂ Ōgai Gyoshi 鷗外漁史  → Ōgai zenshū 3: 313–39


  • “Shizuka” 静 (The dancer Shizuka), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.11 (1909): 1–23. [A historical play on the consort of Minamoto no Yoshitsune]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 569–87
  • “Shūseki mu” 秋夕夢 (The dream of an autumn evening), Kabuki 歌舞伎 112–113 (November 1909 – December 1909). [Translation of Il sogno d’un tramonto d’autunno (The dream of an autumn sunset) by Gabriele D’Annunzio from a German version].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 601–45
  •  Jon Gaburieru Borukuman ジヨン・ガブリエル・ボルクマン (John Gabriel Borkman), Gahō Sha 画報社 1909. 359p. [Translation of John Gabriel Borkman by Henrik Ibsen from a German version].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 181–315  National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • “Harada Naojirō kun no kinenkai ni tsuite” 原田直次郎君の記念会に就いて (On the memorial service for Harada Naojirō), Kokumin shinbun 国民新聞, 27 November 1909.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 380–82


  • “Kage to katachi” 影と形 (Shape and form), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 1.12 (1909): 99–107. [Also published as a foreword in Morita Sōhei’s Baien 煤煙 (Smoke), Volume 1, 1910].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 5: 589–99
  • “Yo ga tachiba” 予が立場 (My point of view), Shinchō 新潮 (New Tide) 11.6 (1909): 19–21.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 391–93



  • “Maketaru hito” 負けたる人 (The Defeated), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 15.1 (1910). [Translation of Der Besiegte. Mystisches Drama in einem Aufzuge (The Defeated) by Wilhelm von Scholz].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 1–38
  • “Gogo jūichi ji” 午後十一時 (11 o'clock at night), Taiyō 太陽 (The Sun) 16.1 (1910): 113–26. [Translation of In elfter Stunde by Gustav Wied].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 39–61
  • “Dokushin” 独身 (A Bachelor), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 2.1 (1910): 1–16.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 63–80
  • “Sakazuki” 杯 (Cups), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 25.1 (250, 1910): 193–200.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 81–89
  • “Shiro” 白 (White), Shumi 趣味 (Taste) 5.1 (1910). [Translation of Weißes Glück (White happiness) by Rainer Maria Rilke].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 91–100
  • “Tsuri” 釣 (Fishing), Joshi bundan 女子文壇 (Women’s Literary Forum) 6.1 (1910). [Translation of “Zwölf(Twelve) from the collection of literary sketches “See-Ufer” (Lakeshore) by Peter Altenberg].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 101–5
  • “Gyūnabe” 牛鍋 (Beef stew), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 14.1 (1910): 8–10.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 107–12
  • “Densha no mado” 電車の窓 (A streetcar window), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 5.1 (1910).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 113–22
  • “Hito no isshō” 人の一生 (The Life of man), Kabuki 歌舞伎 114–119 (January 1910 – May 1910). [Translation of Zhizn chelovieka (The life of man) by Leonid Andreyev from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 135–240
  • Ōgonhai 黄金杯 (A golden cup), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1910. 233p. [Republication of translations including Sara Malcolm, Der treue Johnie, Der Vater, Die Geschichte einer Liebe, Das Gesicht, Sokrates Tod, Ein Abschied, Weihnachtseinkäufe, Kussaka, and Prästen].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Institute of Japanese Literature (digital copy)
  • “Inu” 犬 (Dog), in: Ōgonhai (A golden cup), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1910. [Translation of Kussaka by Leonid Andreyev from a German version; first publication unclear].
    Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 123–33 National Institute of Japanese Literature (digital copy)
  • Zoku hitomaku mono 続一幕物 (One-act plays. Continued), Ekifū Sha 易風社 1910. 412p. [Republication of translations of European plays, including Salomé, Le miracle de saint Antoine, Fordringsägare, Da Baby skulde paa Hotel, l sogno d’un tramonto d’autunno, and Das tägliche Leben].
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外
  • “Kodama” 木精 (Echo), Tōkyō Asahi shinbun 東京朝日新聞, 16 January – 17 January 1910.
    ⊂ Tsuwabuki Yajin 槖吾野人  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 241–48
  • “Harada Naojirō nenpu” 原田直次郎年譜 (Harada Naojirō chronicle) in: Harada sensei kinenchō 原田先生記念帖 (Memorial book of Harada Naojirō), Harada Naojirō Shi Kinen Kai 原田直次郎氏記念会 1910.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 20: 10–12


  • “Satoimo no me to Fudō no me” 里芋の芽と不動の目 (Taro sprouts and the eyes of Fudō), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 2.2 (1910): 14–21.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 249–58


  • “Karasu” 鴉 (Crows), Teikoku bungaku 帝国文学 (Imperial Literature) 16.3 (1910): 1–14. [Translation of Krähen (Crows) by Wilhelm Schmidtbonn].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 259–71 
  • “Seinen” 青年 (Youth), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 2.3–3.8 (March 1910 – August 1911).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 273–471
  • “Shitsū” 歯痛 (Toothache), Shumi 趣味 (Taste) 5.3 (1910). [Translation of Ben-Towit by Leonid Andreyev from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 473–81


  • “Ikutagawa” 生田川 (The Ikuta river), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 25.4 (253, 1910): 61–74.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 483–500


  • “Sanbashi” 桟橋 (The pier), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 1.1 (1910): 1–8.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 501–8
  • “Sei Jurian” 聖ジユリアン (St. Julian), Taiyō 太陽 (The Sun) 16.6–16.10 (May 1910 – July 1910). [Translation of La Légende de Saint Julien l’Hospitalier (The Legend of St. Julian, the Hospitaller) by Gustave Flaubert from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 509–552
  • “Zainin” 罪人 (The criminal), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 5.5 (1910). [Translation of Ein Verbrechen (The crime) by Mikhail Artsybashev].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 6: 553–67


  • “Fushinchū” 普請中 (Under reconstruction), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 1.2 (1910): 1–10.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 1–11
  • “Ru Parunasu Anbyuran” ル・パルナス・アンビユラン (Le parnasse ambulant), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 25.6 (1910): 131–48.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 13–31
  • “Hikōki” 飛行機 (Airplane), Kabuki 歌舞伎 120–123 (June 1910 – September 1910). [Translation of Myrrha by Eduard Stucken].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 33–185


  • “Hanako” 花子, Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 1.3 (1910): 118–28.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 187–97


  • “Uzushio” うづしほ (Maelstrom), Bungei kurabu 文芸倶楽部 (Literary Club) 16.11 (1910): 1–32. [Translation of A Descent into the Maelström by Edgar Allan Poe from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 199–230
  • “Asobi” あそび (Play), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 1.4 (1910): 8–29.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 231–49


  • “Shi” 死 (Death), Gakusei bungei 学生文芸 (Student’s Literature and Fine Arts) 1.2 (1910): 2–28. [Translation of Smert’ Lande (The Death of Ivan Lande) by Mikhail Artsybashev from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 251–80
  • “Shō” 笑 (Laughter), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 5.9 (1910). [Translation of Smekh (Laughter) by Mikhail Artsybashev].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 281–302
  • “Fasuchesu” フアスチエス (Fasces), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 1.5 (1910): 131–45.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 303–19


  • “Umadorobō” 馬盗坊 (The horse-thief), Kabuki 歌舞伎 124–126 (October 1910 – December 1910). [Translation of The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet: A Sermon in Crude Melodrama by George Bernard Shaw from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 321–79
  • Gendai shōhin 現代小品 (Contemporary short literary works), Kōgakukan Shoten 弘学館書店 1910. 246p. [Republication of collected translations of short stories including Krähen, Weißes Glück, Andreas Thameyers letzter Brief, Zwölf, In elfter Stunde, La Légende de Saint Julien l’Hospitalier, Ben-Towit, Ein Verbrechen, and Der Besiegte].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎 
  • Kenteki 涓滴 (Water drops), Shinchō Sha 新潮社 1910. 250p. [Republication of stories including Sakazuki, Hanako, Dokushin, Sanbashi, Asobi, Fushinchū, Kodama, Dai hakken, Densha no mado, Tsuina, Konshinkai, Gyūnabe, and Le parnasse ambulant].
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外


  • “Chinmoku no tō” 沈黙の塔 (Tower of silence), Mita bungaku furoku 三田文学附録 (Supplement to Mita Literature) 1.7 (1910): 46–56.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 381–93
  • “Mi no ue banashi” 身上話 (Life story), Shinchō 新潮 (New Tide) 13.5 (1910): 40–54.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 395–409


  • “Shokudō” 食堂 (The dining room), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 1.8 (1910): 140–52.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 411–22



  • “Hebi” 蛇 (Snake), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 26.1 (271, 1911): 155–72.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 423–42
  • “Hitori butai” 一人舞台 (Playing alone), Joshi bundan 女子文壇 (Women’s Literary Forum) 7.1 (1911). [Translation of Den starkare (The Stronger) by August Strindberg from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 443–54
  • “Pariasu” 首陀羅 (Paria), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 16.1 (1911). [Translation of Paria by August Strindberg from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 455–83
  • “Jinryoku ijō” 人力以上 (Beyond powers), Kabuki 歌舞伎 127–131 (January 1911 – May 1911). [Translation of Over Ævne (Beyond Powers) by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 485–571
  •  “Ni dokuro” 二髑髏 (Two skulls), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 6.1 (1911). [Translation of “El Ramusan Tir” by Hugo Andresen-Wörishöffer].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 573–84
  • “Eri” 襟 (Collars), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 2.1 (1911): 218–30. [Translation of “Berlin und meine Kragen” (Berlin and my collars) by Ossip Isidorowitsch Dymow, i.e. O. I. Perelman)].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 585–96
  • “Ippiki no inu ga nihiki ni naru hanashi” 一疋の犬が二疋になる話 (A tale of a single dog becoming two), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 15.1 (1911): 14–23. [Translation of Monsieur Bonichon mène perdre son chien (How Mr. Bonichon lost his dog) by Marcel Berger from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 7: 597–607
  • Hito no isshō / Hikōki 人の一生 / 飛行機 (A man’s life / Airplane), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1911. 376p. [Republication of translations: Zhizn chelovieka (The life of man) by Leonid Andreyev and Myrrha by Eduard Stucken]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎 National Institute of Japanese Literature (digital copy)


  • “Kazuisuchika” カズイスチカ (Casuistica), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 2.2 (1911): 131–49.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 1–17
  • Enjin 烟塵 (Ashes), Shunyō Dō 春陽堂 1911. [Republication of Chinmoku no tō, Fasuchesu, Kinga, Konpira, Mi no ue banashi, Niwatori, and Somechigae]
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)
  • “Sabishiki hitobito” 寂しき人々 (Lonely people), Yomiuri shinbun 読売新聞, 16 February – 25 April 1911. [Translation of Einsame Menschen (Lonely people) by Gerhart Hauptmann].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 19–182


  • “Saezuri” さへづり (Chirping), Mitsukoshi 三越 1.1 (1911).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 183–94
  • “Mōzō” 妄想 (Delusion), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 2.3–2.4 (March 1911 – April 1911).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 195–217
  • Japan und seine Gesundheitspflege. Rikugun Shō Imu Kyoku 陸軍省医務局 1911. [Edited by Rikugun Shō Imu Kyoku (Medical Affairs Bureau of the Army Ministry)].
    ⊂ Rintaro Mori  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 588–622  Wellcome Library (digital copy)
  • “‘Yamatokwai’. Zwei Reden” (‘Yamatokwai’. Two speeches), in: Japan und seine Gesundheitspflege, Rikugun Shō Imu Kyoku 陸軍省医務局 1911. [Speeches delivered on 2 January and 30 June of 1888 to the Japanese Club in Berlin].
    ⊂ Rintaro Mori  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 596–604  Wellcome Library (digital copy)


  • “Teiken sensei” 鼎軒先生 (Master Teiken, i.e. Taguchi Ukichi 田口卯吉), Tōkyō keizaizasshi 東京経済雑誌 (Tokyo Journal of Economics) 63.1591 (1911).
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 421–23


  • “Fujidomoe” 藤鞆絵 (The Wisteria crest), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 2.5–2.6 (May 1911 – June 1911).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 219–37
  • “Chimata no ko” 街の子 (Child of the Streets), Kabuki 歌舞伎 131–136 (May 1911 – October 1911). [Translation of Mutter Landstraße, das Ende einer Jugend (Mother Road, the End of a Youth) by Wilhelm Schmidtbonn].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 239–330
  • “Robinson Kurūsō – jo ni kauru kaiwa” ロビンソン・クルーソー 序に代ふる会話 (Robinson Crusoe. A conversation in place of a preface), in: Takahashi Gorō and Katō Kyōei (transl.) Hyōryū monogatari Robinson Kurūsō 漂流物語 ロビンソン・クルーソー (The Story of the castaway Robinson Crusoe), Tomita Bunyō Dō 富田文陽堂 1911.
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 331–41


  • “Tō no ue no niwatori” 塔の上の鶏 (The Rooster on the spire), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 6.6 (1911). [Translation of Der Turmhahn (The Spire rooster) by Herbert Eulenberg].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 343–54
  • “Sekai manyū” 世界漫遊 (World tour), Teikoku bungaku 帝国文学 (Imperial Literature) 17.6 (1911): 1–21. [Translation of Die Weltreise des Kleinen Tyrnauer (The World tour of a common man from Trnava) by Jakob Julius David].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 355–73


  • “Kusanchisu” クサンチス (Xanthis), Shin shōsetsu 新小説 (New Fiction) 16.7 (1911). [Translation of Xanthis by Albert Samain].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 375–93
  • “Bara” 薔薇 (Roses), Joshi bundan 女子文壇 (Women’s Literary Forum) 7.8 (1911). [Translation of a text from Circus Mundi by Gustav Wied].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 395–407
  • “Ryūkō” 流行 (Fashion), Mitsukoshi 三越 1.5 (1911).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 409–21
  • “Itabasami” 板ばさみ (A dilemma), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 2.7 (1911): 143–77. [Translation of an unknown text by Evgenii Nikolaevich Chirikov from the German version titled “Der Zensor” (The Censor)].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 423–52
  • “Tokuriji” 得利寺 (The [battle of] Telissu), Yamato shinbun やまと新聞, 17 July 1911.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 26: 246–47
  • Sabishiki hitobito 寂しき人々 (Lonely people), Kaneo Bun’en Dō 金尾文淵堂 1911. [Republication of Mori’s translation of Einsame Menschen (Lonely people) by Gerhart Hauptmann].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  National Diet Library (digital copy)


  • “Nanoriso” なのりそ (Without introductions), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 2.8–2.9 (August 1911 – September 1911).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 453–72
  • “Shinjū” 心中 (Double [love] suicide), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 26.8 (269, 1911): 137–50.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 473–88


  • “Gan” 雁 (The wild goose), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 3.9–5.5 (September 1911 – May 1913).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 8: 489–603


  • “Hyaku monogatari” 百物語 (Ghost stories), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 26.10 (271, 1911): 165–84.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 9: 127–46
  • “Kaijin” 灰燼 (The ashes of destruction), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 2.10–3.12 (October 1911 - December 1912).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 9: 147–234


  • “Tebukuro” 手袋 (A Gauntlet), Kabuki 歌舞伎 137–141 (November 1911 – March 1912). [Translation of En Hanske (A Gauntlet) by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 9: 235–341


  • Yūrei 幽霊 (Ghosts), Kinyō Dō 金葉堂 1911. [Translation of Gengangere (Ghosts) by Henrik Ibsen].
    ⊂ Mori Rintarō 森林太郎  → Ōgai zenshū 9: 1–125  National Diet Library (digital copy)



  • “Miren” みれん (Regrets), Tōkyō Nichinichi shinbun 東京日日新聞, 1 January – 10 March 1912. [Translation of Sterben (Dying) by Arthur Schnitzler].
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 9: 343–485
  • “Karafuto datsugoku ki” 樺太脱獄記 (A record of an escape from prison in Sakhalin), Bungei kurabu 文芸倶楽部 (Literary Club) 18.1 (1912). [Translation of Sokolinets (Sakhalin Fugitive) by Vladimir Korolenko from a German version].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 9: 487–560
  • “Ore no toburai” 己の葬 (My burial), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 4.1 (1912): 3–19. [Translation of Mein Begräbnis (My burial) by Hans Heinz Ewers].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 1–17
  • “Fuyu no ō” 冬の王 (The King of Winter), Teikoku bungaku 帝国文学 (Imperial Literature) 18.1 (1912): 1–15. [Translation of Erling by Hans Land, i.e. Hugo Landsberger].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 19–32
  • “Rōsōchō” 老曹長 (The old sergeant), Tōa no hikari 東亜之光 (The Light of East Asia) 7.1 (1912). [Translation of Der alte Wachtmeister vom Dragonerregiment Anspach-Bayreuth (The old sergeant of the dragoon regiment Anspach-Bayreuth) by Detlev von Liliencron].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 33–41
  • “Ka no yō ni” かのやうに (As if), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 27.1 (274, 1912): 223–56.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 43–78
  • “Fushigi na kagami” 不思議な鏡 (A strange mirror), Bunshō sekai 文章世界 (The World of Writing) 7.1 (1912).
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 121–36
  • “Sōin” 僧院 (The Cloister), Kabuki 歌舞伎 139–171 (January 1912 – September 1914). [Translation of Le cloître (The Cloister) by Emile Verhaeren].
    ⊂ Mori Ōgai 森鷗外 / Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 137–202 [all parts are signed “Mori Ōgai” except volumes 142 and 145–48].
  • “Kisha kaji” 汽車火事 (The train fire), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 3.1 (1912): 244–57. [Translation of an unknown text by Hans Kyser].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 203–14.
  • “Saijitsu” 祭日 (A Celebration day), Kokoro no hana 心の花 (Blossoms of the Heart) 16.1 (1912). [Translation of Das Familienfest (The family celebration) by Rainer Maria Rilke].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 215–28
  • “Kakeochi” 駆落 (The Escape), Joshi bundan 女子文壇 (Women’s Literary Forum) 8.1 (1912). [Translation of Die Flucht (The Escape) by Rainer Maria Rilke].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 229–38


  • “Chichi to imōto” 父と妹 (Father and younger sister), 女子文壇 (Women’s Literary Forum) 8.4 (1912). [Translation of “Der Amerikawillm” (William from America) by Wilhelm Schäfer].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 239–49
  • “Nezumizaka” 鼠坂 (Rat Hill), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 27.4 (277, 1912): 111–23.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 251–64
  • “Diogenesu no yūwaku” ヂオゲネスの誘惑 (The Temptation of Diogenes), Engei kurabu 演芸倶楽部 (Performance Arts Club) 1.1 (1912). [Translation of Die Versuchung des Diogenes (The Temptation of Diogenes) by Wilhelm Schmidtbonn].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 265–97
  • “Ren’ai zanmai” 恋愛三味 (Absorbed in love), Kabuki 歌舞伎 142–147 (April 1912 – September 1912). [Translation of Liebelei (Playing with love) by Arthur Schnitzler].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 299–401


  • “Shakkuri” 吃逆 (Hiccup), Chūō kōron 中央公論 (Central Review) 27.5 (278, 1912): 1–13.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 79–92
  • “Fukasetsu” 不可説 (The Inexplicable), Subaru 昴 (Pleiades) 4.5 (1912): 3–11. [Translation of “L’inexplicable” (The Inexplicable) by Henri de Régnier].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 403–12
  • “Wani” 鱷 (The Crocodile), Shin Nihon 新日本 (New Japan) 2.5–2.6 (May 1912 – June 1912). [Translation of Krokodil by Fyodor Dostoyevsky].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 413–76


  • Ōgai 鷗外: “Shōtai” 正体 (His true object of veneration), Mita bungaku 三田文学 (Mita Literature) 3.6–3.8 (June 1912 – August 1912). [Translation of Die Geliebte (The Beloved) by Karl Vollmoeller].
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 477–517
  • “Fujidana” 藤棚 (The Wisteria trellis), Taiyō 太陽 (The Sun) 18.9 (1912): 316–24.
    ⊂ Ōgai 鷗外  → Ōgai zenshū 10: 93–106