International Ōgai Studies

Park, Uhnsook
Ogai’s Concept of Resignation: A Study of Two Works, M.A. thesis, Indiana University, 1979. 99p.

Chapter I. Introduction, 1–3. A. Brief Resume of Ogai’s Life, 1–17. B. Maihime: Synopsis and General Comment, 18–22. C. Gan: Synopsis and General Comment, 22–27.
Chapter II. Ogai’s Concept of Resignation, 28. A. Definition, 28–30. B. Important Influences, Eastern and Western That Shaped Ogai’s Thinking, 30–46. 1. Eastern, 30. a. Japanese Cultural Tradition, 30–32. b. Mono no aware, 32–36. c. Asobi, 36–37. 2. Western, 37. a. Western Values That Ogai Admired, 37–40. b. Western Philosophy (Particularly Hartmann and Schopenhauer), 40–46. C. Essential Elements in Ogai’s Concept of Resignation, 46–70. 1. Positive, Constructive Elements, 46–57. a. Acceptance of Life as It Is, 46–50. b. Freedom of Choice, 50–52. c. Serenity of Spirit, 52–55. d. Love, 55–57. 2. Negative Elements Sometimes Found in Resignation, 57–70. a. Weakness of Will in Confronting Situations, 58–60. b. Guilt Feelings, Alienation and Despair, 60–61. c. Fatalistic Outlook, 62–67. d. Detachment of Spirit, 67–70.
Chapter III. Summary and Conclusions, 71–80. A. Comparative Summary, 71–76. B. Conclusion, 76–81.
Notes, 82–89. Selected Bibliography, 90–95. Character Glossary, 95–99.